Friday, 16 March 2018

Cod, Haddock and Salmon Pie, with Sweet Potato

A simple fish pie made with potato, sweet potato, red onion, shelled peas, cornmeal, salmon, haddock, cod, Cheddar cheese, white pepper, salt, and turmeric.

The pack of fish pieces was bought from a supermarket, and was first steamed for fifteen minutes, while I stirfried the sliced red onion, and boiled the potato and sweet potato chunks until soft.

The sauce was made with four dessert spoonfuls of Greek style yoghurt (instead of the more usual milk), plus two heaped teaspoonfuls of cornmeal (instead of the more usual cornflour). Add water. Stir the ingredients together, and bring to the boil. Add a quarter teaspoonful of Dijon mustard, and a quarter teaspoonful of black pepper. Add two pinches of salt. Add a quarter teaspoonful of turmeric powder. Stir together. Finally, add about 80g of medium strength cheddar cheese, sliced into squares. Stir together until the cheese has dissolved into the sauce. Turn down the heat, and allow to simmer for ten minutes, stirring regularly.

The sauce was allowed to cool, and then half of it was added to the small casserole dish chosen for the pie. I added the fish pieces, the onion, and about 100g of shelled peas. I added a layer of grated cheese to the casserole dish.

When the potato and sweet potato had cooled after being drained, the pieces were mashed together in a glass bowl. The mash was added on top of the layer of grated cheese and grooved with a fork.

Cook in a preheated oven for fifty minutes at between 180-90 deg C. Serve with three dessert spoonfuls of the cheese sauce.

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