Tuesday 1 January 2019

Feta Cheese Salad

A Feta cheese salad made with turmeric rice, tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, red onion, spinach, spring onion, yellow pepper, Feta cheese, and some herbs (Oregano).

The rice was cooked and allowed to cool. Then the rice was added to a glass bowl, along with a diced four leaf lettuce salad, plus diced spinach leaves, diced red onion, diced spring onion, and diced yellow pepper, and chopped baby plum tomatoes.

The dish was augmented with a pinch of coriander, and a pinch of oregano. Drizzled in some olive oil, which was stirred through.

Finally, about 75 grams of Feta cheese was cut into strips, and then cut into squares, and added to the mix. Stir thoroughly before serving.

Served with freshly ground black pepper.

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