Thursday 15 November 2018

Chicken and Cashew Stir-Fry

A basic mix of stir-fry vegetables from the local co-op - bean sprouts, red and yellow pepper, two colours of cabbage, red onion, and sliced carrot. Supplemented by a diced breast of roast chicken, and a handful of unsalted cashew nuts (cheaper in Asda than in Sainsbury's).

I heated the roast chicken pieces in a wok at a high heat, with some garlic and three green finger chillies, toppedl along with a drizzle of sunflower oil. Stirred for a couple of minutes, then the heat was turned down substantially. I added the cashew nuts, and half of the bag of vegetables. Another light drizzle of sunflower oil, and cooked at the lower heat for another seven or eight minutes (judge by eye is always the golden rule with a stir-fry).

Served on a spiral of dark soy sauce. Hot and delicious!

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