Monday 27 February 2017

Ground Lamb with Green Beans and Potatoes

A rich lamb mince made for a family meal.  The mince was browned first in a saute pan. While that process was under way, I prepared the vegetables which were going to be part of the mix. These were: mushrooms, red pepper, sun-dried tomatoes, a large onion, some celery, spring onion, paprika, two finger chillies (minus the stems), and lamb and vegetable stock. Plus two teaspoonfuls of tomato puree. the chillies were removed before serving.

Once the lamb was browned, boiling water was added to the pan, and the mince was allowed to simmer under glass for two hours (ninety minutes will do).

Served with semi-skinned potatoes, and Kenyan fine beans. The beans were cooked for five minutes in boiling water and some salt.  Serve with batoned carrots if you prefer.

Worth the preparation time for wonderfully tender minced lamb!

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