Thursday 2 April 2020

Roman Army Bread (Spelt Grain)

A loaf I've made before with spelt flour, but not with any of the recipes I've used before from the packet. This one is different, using much less olive oil, and so produces a stouter (if not finer) texture.

I also cut the flour with 150g of oats (the remainder 350g of spelt flour). I couldn't find a jar of honey at the front of the likely cupboard, so I used three dessert spoonfuls of demerara sugar instead of one dessert spoonful of honey. The switch worked just fine.

The recipe called for one dessert spoonful of olive oil (earlier recipes for this loaf have called for 3 spoonfuls), and called for only half a teaspoonful of salt. I used one dessert spoonful of quick yeast. It called for no vinegar at all, but the Romans used vinegar in almost everything, including their sweets, so I added a dessert spoonful, just to be on the safe side.

All the dry ingredients were assembled in one bowl, and gradually added to a similar bowl contained warm water and the olive oil.

Mixed with an electric mixer for seven minutes in the bowl, then decanted into a 2lb bread tin (silicon in this case), and allowed to stand for an hour in a warm place.  Then baked in an oven preheated to 190 deg. C for forty-five minutes to fifty minutes on the middle shelf.

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