Tuesday 20 December 2016

Singapore Fried Noodle

Rice noodles, with basmati rice, prawns, chopped mushroom, red chillies, spring onion, fresh parsley, sliced ginger, chopped garlic, black pepper, splashed with some rice wine, soy sauce, and some lemon grass.

Noodles prepared by immersion in water which has been brought to the boil and then the heat is turned off. Ten minutes should be fine for thin noodles. The prawns were blanched in boiled water for three minutes before being added to the wok. Stir-fried for a minute or so, before the vegetables were added. Stir-fry for three to five minutes, depending on the heat. Add the rice at the last minute and stir well together for the final minute. The rice was prepared separately, being boiled for ten minutes. Add Dark Soy, or alternatively you can make a Soy sauce spiral on the plate before serving.

Modelled loosely on a dish eaten many times at the Wong Kei restaurant in Chinatown, London. Often with a large pot of Jasmine tea. A student favourite.

Singapore Fried Noodle

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