Thursday 24 November 2016

Chicken in a Tomato and Ginger Sauce

Made with pieces of pre-cooked stir-fried chicken breast, a tin of chopped tomatoes, chopped green beans, a quarter each of red and green pepper, sliced, chopped spring onion, thin slices of ginger, a topped and tailed whole green chilli, with some basil, oregano, bacon fat, and chicken stock. Served with boiled potato. 

Since the chicken breast pieces were already cooked, this was a fairly quick meal to prepare. The chicken, tomato and chopped vegetables were added to a saute pan, along with the bacon fat (just a scraping - this ingredient can be skipped) and the chicken stock, along with a little water. Bring to the boil and then simmer for twenty to twenty five minutes under glass at a low heat. Stir occasionally.  Add the herb pinches five minutes before serving. The potatoes can be cooked during the same time. So, five or six minutes to prepare the vegetables, and twenty to twenty five minutes before serving!

Chicken in a Tomato and Ginger Sauce

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